Wildcat Class 2024/2025

Children in Year 6 are members of Wildcat Class. They are taught by Miss Harvey and supported in their learning by Mrs Marchesi and Mrs Skowronek.


Our Google Classroom code is: m5kxnen

Lexia Core 5

Our topic for Autumn 1 is 'Ancient Greece'. In our English lessons, we will be reading 'Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief' by Rick Riordan and we will be writing quest narratives and information texts.

In maths this half term we are looking at place value, addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.

In history we will be looking at the Ancient Greeks.

Our science topic for this term is 'Light' and we will be exploring how light travels in straight lines and how shadows are formed.

In our RE lessons we will be looking at 'How and why does religion bring peace and conflict?'

In the curriculum letter below, you will find out in more depth what we will be covering this term.



This half term we will be going swimming on a Tuesday morning. Children will need to bring their swimming kits to school with them. Please ensure earrings are removed and long hair is tied back. There is a payment contribution for the transport to swimming, Those that cannot meet the curriculum requirements for the end of year 6 (swimming 25m) will continue to swim until Christmas.

Forest Schools:

Forest Schools will occur on Thursday afternoons please ensure the children are dressed appropriately for the weather and bring sensible shoes/ wellies.

Curriculum Newsletter (Autumn)

Knowledge Organiser (science)

Knowledge Organiser (topic)



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