Policies & Risk Assessments


Safeguarding Policy 2024-25

Data Protection Policy

Health & Safety Policy

E-Safety & ICT acceptable Use Policy

Teaching online safety DfE Guidance

Online Policy

Administration of Medicines Policy

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy

Behaviour Policy

Breakfast & After School Club Policy

Charging and Remissions Policy

Complaints Procedure

Equality & Diversity Policy for Employees

Equality & Diversity Statutory Duties

Staff Whistleblowing Policy

Remote Learning Policy

Lockdown, Invacuation & Evacuation Policy

Primary Curriculum Code of Practice

Smoke Free Policy

Vexatious Complaints Policy

Accessibility Policy

Admissions policy

Calculation Policy

Collective Worship Policy

All registered pupils (apart from those whose parents exercise the right to withdrawal) must on "each school day take part in an act of Collective Worship". 


Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022

Marking and Feedback Policy

Preventing Extremism and Radicalisation policy

Re-appointment of governors

Relationship and Sex Education 

Religious Education Policy

SEND - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy

Teaching and Learning policy


Risk Assessment and letter regarding School Dog

Risk Assessment

Letter to Parents


Many more policies are available from the school office - including an Equality policy. If you would like to request a copy of any of these policies please get in touch directly.


We are required to publish links to the annual acounts. These are held by DNEAT. If you would like to view, please click here.

Click here to see the annual report.

Click here to see the articles of association.

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